
Five Odd How-To Books You Can Actually Purchase on Amazon

Unlikely as it may seem, these are all real books that were not self-published. In some cases, it was just a matter of poor titling -- though they certainly caught people's attention so how poor could they have been? Click on the titles to be taken directly to the Amazon page where you can make your purchase.

1. How to Be Happy Though Married by Tim LaHaye: This seems to be a pretty serious book about the teachings of the Bible in relation to marriage, so one can only conclude that the title was a mistake?

2. How to Rob Banks Without Violence by Roderic Knowles: This book is out of print but the Amazon listing does show it as being available in used form from various retailers.

3. How to Become a Schizophrenic buy John Modrow: the author is a "recovering schizophrenic" who is leading the charge against modern psychiatry. Laugh if you will, but it's in its third edition.

4. How to Avoid Huge Ships by John W. Trimmer: Seems rather obvious (stay out of their way!), but since the book is out of print, you'll have to procure it from another retailer. However, the book does have over 500 reviews!

5. How to Start Your Own Country by Erwin Strauss: Unlike other books with similar titles, this is not a work of humor. It explains how to stake a claim to your own country and what all is required to kick-start a government. It's the perfect gift for the potential despot in your life.

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